Program Workshops
Learning from Ontario: Reaching for Equity and Excellence in Education
CIES Pre-Conference Workshop Monday March 10, 1pm-3pm
Keynote: Mary Jean Gallagher, the Chief Student Achievement Officer of Ontario and Assistant Deputy Minister, Government of Ontario , followed by a panel discussion with Professor Carol Campbell, Gerry Connelly (Learning Partnership) and Professor Joseph Flessa.
[This workshop, hosted by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, replaces the annual CIES school visits because March 10-15 is school break in Ontario.]
The voices, perspectives of girls and young women in history, political and civic education are rare, and those of girls of color are even rarer still. It is seldom that girls direct the researcher’s gaze or control the camera’s lens. How can a collaborative, critical and creative approach to research help us understand what young people are learning about their roles in society? This interactive workshop will explore the use of participatory, visually-informed research methods in engaging participants in critical reflection and action on issues of gender equality.
Reading comprehension is difficult for many children, thus affecting all content areas throughout their school day. Utilizing technology can be a way to engage students in reading activities, while incorporating interactive assessment to increase comprehension. In addition to these exciting technological advances, teachers have found that utilizing instructional strategies from the field of special education can greatly increase reading mastery in elementary and secondary students (Hughes & Murawski, 2091; Roe, 2010). From differentiating instruction and scaffolding assessments questions, to creating individualized learning centers and partner activities; teachers can maximize learning time by increasing student engagement and time-on-task (Isherwood & Barger-Anderson, 2008; McDuffie, Mastropieri, Scruggs, 2009).
Marginalized groups around the globe often experience feelings of isolation and alienation as it relates to schools. Socially just leadership can help to craft welcoming spaces for all students and their families in educational settings. Savvy educational leaders will seek to understand the situations confronting those who are shrouded in marginalization and will make efforts to develop trusting relationships. This workshop focuses on the experiences high-poverty, rural, Appalachian parents of elementary students in schools as they advocate for educational opportunities for their children. The presenters will strive to illuminate the inhibitions of the marginalized and offer strategies that school leaders, endeavoring to be socially just, might apply to accommodate marginalized groups. In addition, the presenters will provide an overview of parental perspectives and share data and case studies regarding the circumstances of marginalized parents in their quest for optimal opportunities for their children. The perspectives and attitudes of parents regarding their involvement in schools that can translate into greater social capital for them and their children will be illuminated in this workshop.
Learning how to read is one of the most important skills that a child should master in primary school. However, there is healthy and ongoing debate, both in the OECD countries and countries that are recipients of donor assistance, about how best to enable children to achieve that mastery. In addition, the implementation of collaborative approaches to consolidating evidence on core reading interventions, the development of research on emerging promising practices, the standardization of metrics and protocols in reading instruction, and the dissemination of knowledge about effective ways to teach reading have often taken a back seat in international circles in recent years to the pressures and imperatives of implementing reading programs in the field.
International large-scale assessments (LSA) collect an enormous amount of data, which result in datasets containing a wealth of information for secondary analysts. In addition to achievement data from students, they also collect data from teachers, school principals and parents in the hope that this information will assist in our collective understanding of education systems and their improvement. Unfortunately, much of LSA data are under- or poorly utilized by policy makers as well as researchers, in part due to the fact that proper analysis requires the use of analysis methods that complex and generally unfamiliar to users of the data (e.g. plausible values, replicate and sampling weights). The intent of this course is to provide researchers with a set of tools to assist them in unraveling the complexities of one of the recent largest and most important LSA study: the joint Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2011 conducted with the 4th grade students in 37 countries around the world.
The objectives for this workshop are:
- To increase educators’ awareness of Islamophobia in Western popular culture,
- To provide concrete examples of how to increase student awareness of Islamophobia,
- To connect this work to common core and content standards, and
- To provide examples of student research and action on this topic.
There has been growing interest in examining the performance of students cross-nationally on international assessments and trying to better understand the characteristics and initiatives of the top performing education systems (National Governors Association, CCSSO, & Achieve, 2008; OECD, 2010; Fordham Institute, 2009). PISA, a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), contributes to this work. Begun in 2000 and conducted every three years, it /includes an assessment portion as well as questionnaires administered to 15-year-old students and their principals to obtain contextual information at the student and school levels.
Objective: To bring together a group of critical scholars, activists, and policymakers working to better understand the relationship between education, conflict and peacebuilding through critical research methodologies and approaches. The group will explore the possibility of developing an international multi-disciplinary research and advocacy network that would challenge existing paradigms surrounding education’s role in conflict affected and fragile societies, with the end goal of promoting transformative approaches which advocate for participatory, socially just, and equitable forms of educational provision in such spaces.
CIES 2014 Program
Click here for the program.
A Pre-Conference Workshop Canceled
Unlocking the Potential of Higher Education in Meeting EFA The Case of Non-traditional Partners - CANCELED
Onsite Registration
Click here.
New Pre-Conference Workshop Added: Hosted by OISE, "Learning from Ontario: Reaching for Equity and Excellence in Education". Keynote by Assistant Deputy Minister of Education, Mary Jane Gallagher. Monday, March 10, 1pm-3pm.
Conference Timeline
Pre-conference workshops
Monday March 10
Conference Opens
Tuesday March 11-15
Regular Conference Sessions
8am - 5pm each day
Wednesday ends at 6:45
Saturday at noon
Conference Program
The preliminary program is now available for searching/browsing on All Academic. Please note that this is a draft program only and therefore is subject to change. The deadline for scheduling requests was January 31st, we are unable to accommodate any additional scheduling requests.
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